Simulation Training
The adoption of high, medium and low fidelity simulators (skill trainer) present in the Centre, is wide and currently the most important place in a Training Centre with Simulation, present in national field for the Maternal-Neonatal.
With current advances in knowledge towards high levels of specialization with specific demands and expertise, the need for practical experience is made ever more clear.Practical experience which is not easily attained using various devices and equipment if not after hours of practice.
Practice which can’t simply done on paper but would be too risky to carry out on a patient. Borrowing therefore from the world of aeronautics, we take the route of using simulations. Initially, using low-to-mid fidelity devices, a certain element of imagination was needed when it came to the simulations. Today, however, our simulations can take advantage of high-fidelity devices.
Our Simulators
Resusci Baby QCPR
The QCPR technology of Resusci Baby mannequins is used to allow instructors and students to monitor and verify CPR performance more effectively, increasing the efficiency and value of training times.
Premature Anne
The first 10 minutes are critical for a preterm infant. When complications arise, health care providers must be prepared to offer quality care.
Newborn Anne
The NewBorn Anne mannequins are essential in the formation of emergency situations, and thanks to their realistic anatomy they allow to simulate the intubation for cardio-respiratory resuscitation.
Virtual Training
The virtual trainers for neonatal intubation are a series of software developed by the NINA Center based on the latest technologies concerning virtual and augmented reality.
Through these virtual programs it is possible to carry out an immersive and simulated training, in a totally innovative way; virtual applications allow the subject to acquire practical knowledge by linking the actions carried out during invasive procedures to an advanced visual feedback viewable from different points of view: both by those who carry out maneuvers on high-definition monitors and by portable devices on the part of the expert user who guides and follows the non-expert.
Simulation Theory
The didactic methodology of simulation is at the vanguard in terms of training techniques for professions which require precision, the ability to make important decisions under pressure and team organization.
How does the simulation work from a training point of view? Why is it increasingly used in various professional fields such as in aeronautics and in the training of astronauts?
Crisis Resource Management
Once again the NINA Centre has been the first in Italy to experiment with the consideration and study of Crisis Resource Management (CRM).
Working in an emergency simulation in multidisciplinary teams is a unique experience.
The participants are all professionals and so work to a very high level. They are accustomed to finding themselves in critical situations and have good knowledge of the major technical skills necessary for the kind of work. However, perfect self-control does not necessarily make for good team-work.
Even a team of experts can demonstrate dangerous failures, from which they are surely saved, more likely than not, by an “Expert Team”.
Experimental studies have been design to analyze and correct participants’ behavior through simple observation and constructive criticism during phases of debriefing. These are feigned friendly and relaxing chats, instead of tiring moments of analysis, wherein the instructor, to one side and in a kind and discreet way, discusses points worth evaluating from the group simulation. The most ambitious project is to be able to connect teams from the birthing-room and operating theatre through high-fidelity simulation, in the case of high risk procedures such as an urgent C-Section for example.
The difficulty here arises from these teams’ different approaches and their different points of interest which, in theory, should be the same but in practice can at times diverge.
This project uses already-existing spaces and resources, without the need for structural investment.